Sunday, March 9, 2008

Daylight Savings Time

Apparently, today is the day we "spring ahead" one hour. Who knew? I clearly did not. I demonstrated my blatant disregard for the time change by showing up at the end of this morning's OA meeting. I thought it was the beginning of the meeting...

Even though I missed the meeting, my trip downtown wasn't for naught. As I was leaving the meeting, an octogenarian's car was stuck in the parking lot. He was struggling to shovel himself out, so I lent a hand. After I freed his car from the snowbank, he insisted on buying me lunch today (in the form of handing me a $10 bill and telling me to get lunch). I wanted to refuse it, but I think it was more of a dignity thing for him to be able to repay me for my services.

Pretty interesting morning.

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