Tuesday, May 27, 2008


I read this book on the recommendation of my counselor. Actually, it was more than a recommendation. She gave me the book (thanks, Elaine!).

I read it, loved it, and am reading it again to catch anything I might have missed. I had no idea I was an approval addict. I always thought of approval addicts as people-pleasers, "yes" people and doormats. Well, I have discovered that I, too, am an approval addict.

How do I seek out approval? I want to get the world's approval for being the thinnest, most talented, best dressed/coiffed/manicured woman on earth. Just like any addict, when I don't have the world's approval I go through withdrawal. Since withdrawal is stinker, I fill THAT void with food, cigarettes and shopping.

So what did I learn from the book? The only person who's approval I need is God's. Guess what? I already have his approval. Also, to hate myself is really terrible because God loves me so much that he gave His son's life for my sins. To hate someone (me) who God loves so much just doesn't make any sense.

This book has really helped me alot. Totally opened my eyes :)

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