Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Essure? Yes I am.

It's no secret that I don't want to have children. Fortunately, neither does my husband. I've always known this. My entire life I knew I'd eventually be married, but I never wanted to have kids. Ever.

Having recently turned 30, I think it's high time I take my fertility seriously. Sure, I'm cautious. My husband and I rely on 3 layers of protection. I'm sure we're 99.9999999997% protected against parenthood. It's that 0.0000000003% chance that terrifies me.

Recently our friends welcomed their first child. We payed them a visit days after its' arrival. As I walked in and saw my friend sitting there, swollen to high heaven with a baby on her lap, I thought, "if that was me, I'd kill myself".

This visit has inspired me to look into sterilization. Sounds high-drama, I know, but I'm that serious about my family planning.

I have an appointment next week with a doctor who performs the essure procedure. If you're unfamiliar with the procedure, it's pretty amazing. I'm not going to describe it because it makes me want to cross my legs and vomit, but I think I can handle 35 minutes of extreme discomfort.

I'm sure it's not as painful as motherhood.

1 comment:

Becki Francy said...

I saw your blog, because i have the same title. Don't know if you ever had the procedure. I had mine, not only not painful, not even uncomfortable. hope you had the same experience.