I was snapping away. Here's the very next photo I took. It was taken a fraction of a second after the above photo:

Ok. What up with all the orbs???
Now, I'm not one to jump to conclusions, so I thought about it for a minute. I was sitting in the exact same spot for both photos. If the orbs are the result of some weird reflection, shouldn't they appear in both photos?
Also, the orb behind the dogs back left paw appears to be disappearing into the floor. I've never seen a reflection do that.
Our house is old, but not super old. It was built in 1940 with land sale records dating back to 1818. We've lived here over 2 years and I can honestly say I've never "felt" anything in this house. I wasn't feeling anything when I shot this picture. The dog was going nuts, but I thought it was just because she was excited by the commotion my husband was causing (pugs are easily excited and VERY curious).
I sent the photos to wnyparanormal.org. I wanted to see if they had any insight. I'll keep you posted...
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